Friday, February 27, 2009


Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

~Albert Einstein

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cracked Open

People never realize that good things pass through their lives in many shapes, forms and colors every single day; they're just too busy worrying about the iniquitous problems they go throughout the time period the feel lonely and afraid. Open up and see the world as its been for billions of years, not as it is the moment you feel blamable, downhearted, or wrong. Need help? Get out and help others. Feel depressed? Go out and make someone smile. Feel wrong? Make someone feel right. Open the door to a whole new person filled with joy and beatitude, helping out others while helping yourself.

I've only cracked open my door.
Unlock yours.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Inspiration - A divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.

Influence on the mind. Influence on the soul. Does anybody have inspiration that effects them in a way they feel they need to just get up and shout what they believe in? Lately, people seem to be dead, effortless in movement and breath. I have plenty of inspiration all around to help me achieve what I believe in, but my voice doesn't seem to be loud enough for anyone to hear. The sound bounces off bricks, wood, pavement and dirt but never through the ears of somebody important.

Be loud and heard. Inspire.

I need a megaphone.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


You're good at this. You just don't give up. Swimming along the shores with an innocent human being while depending on tiny fish and flesh to keep you alive. Not the flesh of other people, but the flesh of a single individual helps you quench your thirst. With just one bite you've fallen in love with the special qualities and taste that no other trout has. But you get sick of the same taste, and beg for variety; swimming away to rid yourself of hunger while leaving the defunct person to lay floating across the ocean. About to pull for air and safety, she makes a halfhearted attempt to stay alive and the shark swims by once more only for another bite. She tries to swim away as fast as she can but this great white beast clings heavily onto her side like a tick, dependent on their victims. You aren't needed here. You take life away from something that helps you live. The only thing that can push her to safety are the soft waves of the ocean, and maybe she can walk away with a just a scar from past injuries.

Swim away and never come back.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Timb Bomb

Set up a time. Listen to the ticking of the clock that counts down. Be patient. Ready for an explosion. My patience has run out, and it's the thickheaded people I come in contact with that cause the ticking of the clock to skip. The people with wit and common sense help pause the clock for a few seconds and the bomb is left alone. Leaving it alone brings the roaches and bugs back out of their holes to come out and feed on what they think is good for them; chewing away, only gaining short discharges. Possibly when my time bomb stops ticking it can get rid of the creepy crawlers that bother me throughout the day. If the bomb I've set did happen to explode though, I'd be left in pieces, which would allow the roaches to feed off every piece they find.

I need to set a new timer.